1·This part includes a diagnostic software, hardware led indicators and audio monitoring of all tested parts of the installation.
2·According to this method, a fault experience base and the diagnostic software are built, and the tests have verified the practical value of this method.
3·The way the diagnostic software works is by comparing the sounds of the mobile user's cough to a database of coughs associated with all the different types of respiratory diseases.
4·He also champions and inspires organizations to create better diagnostic and calibration tools for the software he produces.
5·Equus 3130 diagnostic code scanner, OBD - PC link software, cables, storage case, and user's manual.
6·The diagnostic tool software has powerful practicality for maintaining of the normal running data processing system of seismic station network for assuring seismic time service accuracy.
7·The fault diagnostic expert system software for FGD device has been developed for diagnose the failures of the wet limestone-gypsum FGD device.
8·The conception of remote computer maintenance and diagnostic system is intro-duced, and many USES of remote maintenance software and its great significance are also presented.
9·The result shows that the proposed diagnostic strategy generation method and software can analyze the loops effectively and achieve the fault isolation accurately.
10·Diagnostic theory of embedded device, how to interface to PROFIBUS system and Internet network, how to design the whole software and how to connect the hardware was discussed in the paper.